california pacific plant exports - specializing in strawberry plants
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Cal Pacific offers both Frigo and Fresh Chilled plants for export to strawberry fruit growers worldwide. Consult the chart below to determine the product that will best suit your fruit marketing objectives. Visit our ordering page to place an order.

Visit our sister company, Ekland Marketing, if your interest is in licensed propagation of your own Fresh Green plants of the varieties we represent.

Degree of Dormancy Comparison of Strawberry Nursery Material

Fresh Green Plants Fresh Chilled Plants Frigo Plants
Source of material Plants propagated in tropical and subtropical environments. Plants propagated in temperate climates. Plants propagated in temperate climates.
State of dormancy Not dormant. Metabolizing very rapidly. Partially dormant, still metabolizing fairly rapidly. Fully dormant.
Exposure to chill Exposed to no temperatures below 7 degrees centigrade. Exposed in the nursery to between 175 and 400 hours of temperatures below 7 degrees centigrade. Exposed in the nursery to over 600 hours of temperatures below 7 degrees centigrade.
Onset of fruiting * 1.5 to 2.5 months after planting, depending upon variety and prevailing daylength. 2 to 3 months after planting, depending upon variety and prevailing daylength. 4 to 6 months after planting depending upon variety and prevailing daylength.
Production cycle Spikes and gaps in production level. Relatively steady production levels. Spikes and gaps in production level.
Time of availability Any time of year. October from California, April/May from Argentina. January to July from California, June to February from Argentina.
Handling & storage Stored at between 1 to 3 degrees centigrade. Plant within 3 days of digging from nursery. Stored at 1 degree centigrade. Store at 1 to 3 degrees centigrade after departure from nursery. Plant within a week of shipment from nursery. Store at negative 2 degrees centigrade. Store at 1 to 3 degrees centigrade after departure from nursery. Plant within a week to 10 days of shipment from nursery.

* With both frigo and fresh chilled plants, flower buds may have been initiated in the nursery prior to harvest. These buds will emerge in the fruiting field. If planted out of season under long daylength conditions, new buds intiated in the fruiting field will be vegetative buds. Under this circumstance, following the initial flush of flower buds initiated in the nursery field, the plants will revert to runner production due to the prevailing long daylength conditions.

© 2009 California Pacific Plant Exports